In September, the highlight of a trip to Japan was the traditional "Düsseldorf Evening" in Tokyo.
The event's more than 1,000 guests were mainly representatives of Japanese companies who worked and lived in Düsseldorf and have meanwhile returned to Japan – including many former managing directors of Japanese branches in NRW. The invitation was extended by the City of Düsseldorf, NRW.INVEST, the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs and Messe Düsseldorf. The traditional "Düsseldorf Evening" has taken place regularly since 1981 and serves to maintain the state capital's good network in Japan and to cultivate the close ties with the former "Düsseldorfers".
In addition, NRW.INVEST and the City of Düsseldorf jointly organized the investment seminar "Innovation Partnership in the Digital Economy – Growth Opportunities in Düsseldorf and NRW". More than 150 representatives of Japanese companies in the digital industry took up the invitation to find out about investment opportunities at NRW as a digital location. Mayor Thomas Geisel emphasized: "As a top location for the mobile and communications industry, Düsseldorf occupies an exceptional position in Europe with regard to key technologies of digital transformation". Petra Wassner, CEO of NRW. INVEST, pointed out: "Those who want to invest in digital transformation will benefit from NRW's lively start-up scene and a large talent pool of experts."
The agenda of the trip to Japan also featured a round table discussion on the subject of Brexit. Within Germany, NRW is the most important trading partner for the United Kingdom. Against this backdrop, the consequences of Brexit for the NRW economy are of particular importance and therefore also relevant for foreign investors. At the event, the participants discussed the perspective of Japanese companies with regard to the imminent withdrawal of Britain from the European Union and highlighted challenges and opportunities for Japanese companies in NRW.