The US confectionery manufacturer Mars has opened a new packaging plant at its site in Viersen. Markets in Europe and the USA as well as the Arab countries are supplied from here.
The company has invested more than three million euros in the new plant. All bag variants of the TWIX Minis as well as the components for CELEBRATIONS will be packed here at a central location in the future.
"Within the Mars supply network, the Viersen site plays an important role," said factory director Patrick Hölscher. Every year, the plant in the Mackenstein industrial estate in Viersen produces around 53,000 tons of Twix and Balisto confectionery as well as Celebration components. With the new packaging plant, the confectionery manufacturer intends to react even faster and more flexibly to specific market demands and thus further strengthen its position on the global market.
Mars has been based in Germany for more than 50 years. Opened in Viersen in 1979, the site has also been the headquarters of Mars Confectionery Supply GmbH in Germany since March 2018. Around 600 employees produce ten million individual sweets a day here, and in the next 25 years the company plans to convert its production in such a way that no more carbon dioxide is emitted. According to its own figures, Mars has already invested tens of millions in modernization and environmental technologies in Viersen.
"I am delighted that Mars is making a commitment to the Viersen site with this modernization and, as a major employer and training company, offering its employees attractive jobs," emphasized Mayoress Sabine Anemüller.