An initiative from the research and science communities is developing the first European quantum computer at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The first expansion stage is to be launched as early as this fall.
So far, quantum computers have been located mainly in the USA and China. Soon, however, the first European computer is to be put into operation – at Forschungszentrum Jülich in North Rhine-Westphalia. "In the fall, we will launch the first of three expansion stages of our quantum computer at Forschungszentrum Jülich," reports Prof. Dr. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch, who heads the project entitled OpenSuperQ.
The computer, which is produced entirely in Europe, will help accelerate machine learning and simulate processes in chemistry and materials science. Once the computer is up and running, companies and scientists from all over the world will be able to access it via a cloud.
Several companies and universities are involved in the development of the quantum computer. In addition, the project is funded within the framework of Quantum Flagship – currently one of the largest research initiatives of the European Union with a budget of one billion euros and 5,000 participating researchers worldwide.