The Bergmannsheil University Hospital in Bochum and the Japanese company Cyberdyne are intensifying their cooperation in the use of robot-assisted therapy methods. The large East Asian corporation continues to invest in research.
When German scientific expertise meets Japanese technology, the path to success is not far. Cyberdyne, a Japanese robotics company, and the Bochum University Hospital Bergmannsheil have been working together successfully for five years. Together, they are developing a therapy procedure that will enable paraplegic patients to walk again. "HAL", a neurologically controlled robot suit, specifically supports movement sequences. It enables paralyzed people to stand upright and to train their autonomous walking ability in a targeted manner.
The cooperation between Cyberdyne, winner of the NRW.INVEST Award 2015, and Bergmannsheil is now to be further intensified. The two partners hope to achieve even more in the future with new methods, such as a therapy especially for children with spinal paralysis. "This collaboration has made it possible to develop previously undreamt-of therapeutic opportunities for people with paraplegia and other movement restrictions and to give them back considerable quality of life," said Prof. Dr. Thomas A. Schildhauer, Medical Director of Bergmannsheil, the University Hospital of the Ruhr-University Bochum and Director of the Surgical Clinic.