Normandy is considered the leading French region for sustainable hydrogen production and a pioneer of the concept of "Hydrogen Valleys". These will be increasingly established throughout Europe in the coming years to accelerate the development of hydrogen production sites. Normandy is therefore an ideal location for NRW companies to learn from the experience gained in successful projects – and also to start collaborations.
As part of a company trip, NRW.Global Business is offering participants the opportunity to visit a Hydrogen Valley and to exchange views on investment opportunities with experts on site. The three-day company trip will take place from November 28 to 30, 2023, offering added value in particular for application and service companies in the value chain. Companies interested in hydrogen projects can also participate.
The trip will also include a visit to existing hydrogen production facilities. Here the participants will learn more about the individual application of hydrogen in industry. There will also be an opportunity to meet the key players in the French hydrogen ecosystem, including various SMEs and research institutions.
The deadline to register for the trip is October 9. For more information and to register, please visit the NRW.Global Business website.