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ドイツ NRW.Global Business Japan【炉端会議 ライブ配信】日本食材とお酒の海外展開 - ドイツ NRW州での市場参入から欧州への事業拡大へ

2022年5月31日のライブ配信は終了しました。The live streaming on 31st May 2022 has ended. NRW.Global Business Japan Fireplace WebTalk "Germany / NRW as an attractive Market for Japanese Food and Spirits - How Japanese companies are getting market access and expanding successfully in NRW"



今般のNRW.Global Business Japan Fireplace WebTalkは日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)との共催で、欧州での日本食ビジネスをテーマに昨今のEU・ドイツ市場の最新動向や、事業展開に関するノウハウなどを、経験豊かなエキスパートや、ステークホールダー、新進気鋭のスタートアップの皆様にご紹介いただきます。

日時: 2022531日(火)16:00 - 18:00 (JST) / 9:00 - 11:00 (CEST) 
会場: Zoom会議室
言語: 日英同時通訳 参加費無料
主催:NRW.Global Business Japan (NRWジャパン) / 日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)


プログラム  <JST> 演者のリンクをクリックすると略歴を、演題をクリックするとプレゼン資料をご覧頂けます
16:00 - 16:10   挨拶&講演
NRW州: 日本食材とお酒に最適なドイツのベストロケーション 
NRW.Global Business Japan / 株式会社NRWジャパン 代表取締役社長  ゲオルグ・ロエル
16:10 - 16:20 ジェトロの日本食材・酒類輸出支援について (1.3MB)
ジェトロ・デュッセルドルフ事務所  農水事業担当ディレクター 田中 俊
16:20 - 16:35   ドイツ・EU市場への日本食材輸出成功のヒント (1MB)
Japan Food International GmbH   社長 西岡 宏
16:35 - 16:50 NRW州・ドイツにおける日本食展開の成功例 (2.2MB) ブリックニーヨーロッパ 匠統括部長 海崎竜介(デュッセルドルフのラーメン店「匠」)
16:50 - 17:05 複合ソリューションビジネス(生産工程請負業)のドイツ展開に向けたサービスイメージ  (1.1MB)
鴻池運輸株式会社 国際物流関東支店 業務二課  田中 智之  (コスト削減や効率化で生産効率向上を提案)
17:05 - 17:20 アヌーガ - 世界最大の食品見本市、100年の歴史と今後の展望 (1.6MB)
ケルンメッセ株式会社 代表 高木 誠
17:20 - 17:35 Market Entry Pitches 
-  SAKE Generation株式会社 代表取締役 島崎  かおり  
「スパークリングサケの将来性とICHIDOブランド 」 (1.7MB)
-  YOSHI NAMA GIN  代表 マキシミリアン・ベルクフリート
「ドイツのジン – 日本のスピリット」 (2.9MB)
    (ドイツの蒸留酒文化と日本の食文化を融合させたジン YOSHI NAMA- Little Tokyo Dry Gin)
-  対馬水産株式会社  営業部  部長  塚本 雅則
「ヨーロッパにおける日本の天然魚の輸出拡大への取り組み」 (0.9MB)

17:35 - 18:00   ディスカッション / Q&A

Germany / North Rhine-Westphalia as an attractive Market for Japanese Food and Spirits - How Japanese companies are getting market access and expanding successfully in NRW

„Omotenashi“ or „Gochisosama desu“: Japanese food and drinks have captured the imagination of the world. Starting out with Sukiyaki, Tempura, Tofu and Sushi and more recently Sake and Whiskey, the whole world is now craving for Japanese food and drinks. The registration of "Japanese food - Washoku" as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage has highlighted high-grade natural ingredients and local specialties. But also good reasonably priced food items such as Ramen, Udon-Noodle, Curry Rice and others are becoming very popular. 
The German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), where 670 Japanese companies have established their business operations has been a center of Japanese food and drink culture for whole European Market since the 1950s and even more so in recent years. The state capital Düsseldorf, also known as "Little Tokyo," and the largest city of NRW, Cologne, which hosts the world's largest food and beverage trade fair, Anuga, as well as other cities across NRW are vivid testament to NRW's presence of Japanese food and drinks. In addition NRW is a major hub of German and international food, drink, wholesale and retail companies. Be it for groceries, meat, vegetables, drinks or food additives, NRW is the place to be and serve the German and European market, also for Japanese companies.

The NRW.Global Business Japan Fireplace WebTalk on 31. May 2022, jointly organized with the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), will focus on the Japanese food and drinks business in Europe. Experts, Stakeholders and innovative Startups will highlight the latest trends in the EU and Germany. 

Date: 31. May 2022 (Tue.)
Time: 16.00 - 18.00 (JST) / 09.00 - 11.00 (CEST) 
Location: Zoom Meeting Room
Language: English/Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation)
Hosted by: NRW.Global Business Japan (NRW Japan K.K.) and JETRO

You can find the presentation materials provided with the permission of the speakers below. Please note that the copyright of the materials posted belongs to the respective speakers. Any unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.

Program <JST>  *Please click on the names of the speakers and the speech titles to view their Profiles and Presentations. 
16:00 - 16:10 Welcome and Introduction
“North Rhine-Westphalia: Germany’s Prime Location for Japanese Food and Spirits” 
Georg K. Löer, Representative Director & President, NRW Japan K.K. / NRW.Global Business Japan
16:10 - 16:20 “Overview over Japanese Promotion Measures for the Food and Spirits Industry” (1.3MB)
Shun Tanaka, Director in charge of Food Export Promotion, JETRO Düsseldorf
16:20 - 16:35 “Hints for export success strategy for Japanese grocery to Germany+EU” (1MB)
Hiroshi Nishioka, Managing Director, Japan Food International GmbH
16:35 - 16:50 “Success Stories of Japanese Food in NRW/Germany”(2.2MB)
Ryusuke Kaizaki, Takumi FC & Brand Manager, Brickny Europe GmbH
16:50 - 17:05 “Service Vision: Expansion of Food Contracting Business in Germany” (1.1MB)
Tomoyuki Tanaka, Section Manager, International logistics Tokyo Branch, Konoike Transport Co., Ltd.
17:05 - 17:20 “anuga - 100 Years of Development & its Outlook for the Future” (1.6MB)
Makoto Takagi, Managing Director, Koelnmesse Co., Ltd.
17:20 - 17:35 Market Entry Pitches 
- Kaori Shimazaki, CEO&Founder, SAKE Generation, Inc.
“What is Sparkling SAKE ICHIDO?” (1.7MB)
- Maximilian Bergfried, Founder, YOSHI NAMA GIN
“German gin, Japanese spirit” (2.9MB)
- Masanori Tsukamoto, Manager, Sales Dept., Tsushima Suisan Co., Ltd.
"Efforts to Expand Exports of Japanese Wild Fish in Europe" (0.9MB)

17:35 - 18:00   Discussion / Q&A

写真: karandaev