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NRW-ASEAN Summit strengthens economic cooperation with Southeast Asia

©IHK Ostwestfalen zu Bielefeld

For several years now, the state of NRW and the highly innovative ASEAN region have been intensifying their cooperation and combining the strengths of both business locations. As a future-oriented location and center of technological innovation in Europe, NRW offers numerous opportunities for business and cooperation activities. On the other hand, the ASEAN region has developed into one of the world's most important growth regions – as a sales and procurement market as well as a distribution and production location.

Against this backdrop, representatives from NRW and Southeast Asia will meet at the NRW-ASEAN Summit in Bielefeld on April 18, 2024. While part of the conference program will focus on insights into the ASEAN markets for German companies, NRW.Global Business will host a side event from 11:50 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. that is specifically tailored to participants from the ASEAN region. Here, guests will learn more about NRW as a business location and gain insights into its diverse economic landscape.

Interested parties can register for the international side program via the NRW.Global Business website.

The NRW-ASEAN Summit is organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Ostwestfalen in cooperation with NRW.Global Business, the CCIs in NRW, supported by the AHKs of the ASEAN region and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. Further information on the main program can be found here.