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Company trip: Insight into Norwegian energy sector

@Icruci, AdobeStock

@Icruci, AdobeStock

Norway is considered Germany's most important energy supplier. The two countries recently intensified their business relations and signed a joint declaration on the topics of renewable energy, climate and green industry. This also offers NRW companies in the energy sector an opportunity for international partnerships.

Companies from NRW will be given the opportunity to present their know-how to Norwegian representatives of the energy sector and to establish industry and business contacts during a company trip organized by NRW.Global Business from August 28 to 31. The Joint Declaration between Germany and Norway covers the topics of energy storage, battery and hydrogen strategy as well as CCS – the capture and storage of carbon dioxide. The offer is therefore aimed at companies, research institutions and other stakeholders from these areas.

In addition to participation in the German-Norwegian Energy Dialogue networking event, the trip includes a workshop focusing on Norway's hydrogen and battery strategy, as well as company and project visits in the Norwegian energy sector.

Those interested should hurry: The deadline for registration is July 26, 2023. Registration is possible on the NRW.Global Business website.