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Ikea subsidiary TaskRabbit launched in NRW



Putting up the new cupboard, painting the bathroom or installing a lamp: TaskRabbit offers small handyman jobs on its platform. The business model is generating brisk growth for the American start-up. Ikea recognized the trend and bought the company in 2017. TaskRabbit is now about to be launched in Germany – and in addition to Berlin, several cities in North Rhine-Westphalia have been selected as locations.

Bochum, Cologne and Wuppertal are among the eleven cities in which TaskRabbit would like to offer its services. "At the end of November, customers can book a Tasker to assemble furniture, mount televisions and pictures or carry out minor repairs," says TaskRabbit boss Stacy Brown-Philpot. In addition, Ikea customers have the option of booking a helper directly with their purchase. In future, the minijob marketplace will offer all household services. The company sees all those who do not have time for household work as a promising target group.